

Design of this high-rise corporate office building with exposed brick and sustainable materials would create a unique blend of aesthetics, functionality, and environmental consciousness. Here's an approach to achieve this:

Sustainable Material Selection: Shall utilize environmentally friendly options such as reclaimed or recycled bricks, responsibly sourced timber, or low-carbon concrete.

Exposed Brickwork: Exposed brickwork as a prominent feature of the façade, use bricks with natural colors and textures that align with the desired aesthetic

Passive Design Strategies: This includes optimizing the building's orientation, incorporating shading devices, maximizing natural ventilation, and utilizing thermal mass properties of the exposed brickwork to regulate internal temperature.

High-performance Insulation: Shall insulate the exterior walls and roof to minimize heat transfer, reduce energy consumption for heating and cooling, and maintain a comfortable indoor environment

Energy-efficient Glazing: Select energy-efficient glazing systems that offer excellent thermal insulation, solar control, and daylighting.

Renewable Energy Integration: Shall incorporate renewable energy systems to power the building. Install rooftop solar panels.

Green Roof and Vertical Gardens: Implementation of green roofs or rooftop gardens to improve insulation, reduce stormwater runoff, and provide a pleasant outdoor space for occupants.

Efficient HVAC Systems: Installation of energy-efficient heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems with advanced controls and sensors.

Water Efficiency: Implementation of water-saving strategies such as low-flow fixtures, dual-flush toilets, and sensor-controlled faucets.

• Smart Building Technology: Utilize building automation systems and smart controls to monitor and optimize energy usage, lighting.

Location : NOIDA
Site Area : 4890 sqm
Built-up Area : 20000 sqm
Year : 2023 - Ongoing
Project : Corporate Office